LearnWorlds vs Teachable: Best For Online Coures 2024? Results

learnworlds vs teachable

Are you torn between choices LearnWorlds and Teachable for your online course platform? Wondering which one suits your needs best?

Dive into this comparison to uncover the ideal choice for your online teaching journey, students, lessons, and student experience. From features and pricing to customization options, we’ll dissect these platforms to help you make an informed decision. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting, selecting the right platform is crucial for your success in the digital learning realm. Get ready to navigate through the key differences and similarities between LearnWorlds and Teachable, empowering you to choose the perfect fit for your online teaching aspirations.

Here’s a detailed comparison table for LearnWorlds vs. Teachable in 2024:

User ExperienceMore interactive, customizable templates, drag-and-drop editorUser-friendly interface, simpler setup, limited customization
Course CreationExtensive tools, multimedia lessons, individualized brandingSolid tools, essential for lessons, limited customization
ScalabilityFlexible for small to large enterprises, multiple pricing modelsSuited for individuals/small businesses, limited for large scale
Target AudienceEducators, trainers, course creatorsIndividual instructors, small businesses, corporations
Core FeaturesDrag-and-drop editor, interactive videos, built-in communityCustomizable sales pages, course compliance, pricing options
Unique Selling PointsInteractive elements, quizzes, certificates, extensive customizationSimplicity, in-depth analytics, effective marketing tools
ProsInteractive features, extensive customization, community buildingEase of use, robust marketing tools, course bundling
ConsMore expensive, complex for beginners, limited integrationsTransaction fees, fewer customization options, customer support issues
AI-Driven ToolsAvailableAvailable
Product LimitationsNo restrictions mentionedLimited number of courses and digital products
Advanced Teaching ToolsRobust creator studio, innovative teaching resourcesComprehensive analytics dashboard
DashboardComprehensive overview of course performanceIntuitive tracking of revenue and student progress
Mobile AppResponsive web design, no dedicated appDedicated app for iOS and Android
Business ToolsPopups, customized offersEasy setup, course sales
Design CustomizationExtensive options, personalized coursesFlexible but fewer options
IntegrationsEmail marketing (MailChimp, ConvertKit)Automation and analytics (Zapier)
Marketing ToolsAdvanced email automation, affiliate management, social mediaSales pages, coupon codes, customizable checkout
Interactive Video HostingAvailableNot mentioned
PricingPro Trainer plan at $79/monthPro plan at $119/month (annually)
Hidden CostsHigher price but with advanced featuresAffordable, but with additional costs for certain features
ScalabilityCustomizable templates, interactive features, advanced analyticsUnlimited video bandwidth, integrated payment processing
Mobile ResponsivenessOptimized for mobile devicesAccessible on various devices
Pro Plan Payment OptionsMonthly or annual billingMonthly or annual billing
Value for MoneyHigher price point, extensive featuresCompetitive pricing, essential features
Budget ConsiderationsMore expensive, advanced toolsFree plan available, suitable for tight budgets
User RecommendationsProfessional, customizable online learningUser-friendly, suitable for beginners
Final RemarksBest for creating immersive, branded learning experiencesIdeal for quick course launches, simple setup

This table provides a comprehensive comparison to help you choose between LearnWorlds and Teachable based on their features, pros and cons, pricing, and more.

LearnWorlds and Teachable Compared

User Experience

LearnWorlds offers a more interactive user experience compared to Teachable. Customizable templates and a drag-and-drop editor make course creation seamless on LearnWorlds.

Teachable, on the other hand, provides a user-friendly interface but lacks the advanced customization features found in LearnWorlds. The platform focuses on simplicity, which may appeal to users seeking a straightforward experience.

Course Creation and Customization

LearnWorlds excels in course creation and customization with its extensive range of tools. Instructors can create engaging multimedia lessons and assessments easily. The platform also allows for individualized branding, giving courses a unique look.

Teachable offers solid course creation capabilities but falls short in terms of customization options when compared to LearnWorlds. While it provides essential tools for creating lessons, the level of customization is more limited.

Scalability Options

For businesses looking to scale their online courses, LearnWorlds provides flexible options suitable for both small enterprises and larger corporations. The platform supports various pricing models, memberships, and bundles to accommodate different business sizes.

Teachable also offers scalability options; however, it may be more suited for individual instructors or smaller businesses due to its simplicity. Larger organizations may find the customization limitations restrictive when aiming for significant growth.


We Recommend 🏆

LearnWorlds allows you to create engaging quizzes and assignments that keep students actively involved and help reinforce learning. Offer personalized certificates upon course completion, adding value and recognition for your students.

Overview and Target Users

Target Audience

LearnWorlds primarily targets educators, trainers, and course creators looking to build and sell online courses. On the other hand, Teachable caters to a broader audience, including individual instructors, small businesses, and corporations.

Core Features

For LearnWorlds, key features include a drag-and-drop editor, allowing users to create interactive content easily. It also offers a variety of interactive video options and a built-in community feature for engaging with students.

Conversely, Teachable focuses on providing a user-friendly platform with an intuitive interface. Its core features include customizable sales pages, course compliance tools, and the ability to offer various pricing options to cater to different types of customers.

Unique Selling Points

One of the unique selling points of LearnWorlds is its emphasis on creating an immersive learning experience through interactive elements such as quizzes, assignments, and certificates. It offers a wide range of customization options to tailor courses to specific needs.

On the other hand, Teachable stands out for its simplicity and ease of use. It attracts users with its straightforward approach to course creation and management. Moreover, Teachable’s focus on providing in-depth analytics and marketing tools sets it apart in the online course platform market.

learnworld website for your course
learnworld website for your course

Pros and Cons Breakdown



  • Interactive Features: LearnWorlds offers a range of interactive features like quizzes, assignments, and certificates, enhancing user engagement.
  • Customization Options: Users can customize their courses with various templates, themes, and multimedia elements.
  • Community Building: The platform allows for community building through forums and social networking features.


  • Pricing: LearnWorlds can be more expensive compared to some other platforms in the market.
  • Complexity: Some users may find the interface slightly complex initially, requiring time to adapt.
  • Limited Integrations: Integrations with third-party tools and services are limited on LearnWorlds.



  • Ease of Use: Teachable is known for its user-friendly interface, making it easy for beginners to create and sell courses.
  • Marketing Tools: The platform offers robust marketing tools like email marketing and affiliate marketing capabilities.
  • Course Bundling: Teachable allows course creators to bundle multiple courses together for increased sales.


  • Transaction Fees: Teachable charges transaction fees on each sale made through the platform, affecting profit margins.
  • Limited Customization: Compared to LearnWorlds, Teachable has fewer customization options for course design.
  • Customer Support: Some users have reported issues with customer support response times on Teachable.
LearnWorlds pricing
LearnWorlds pricing

Impact on User Experience

When comparing LearnWorlds and Teachable, the strengths of each platform directly impact user experience. For instance, LearnWorlds’ focus on interactivity and community building fosters a more engaging learning environment for users. On the other hand, Teachable’s simplicity and marketing tools contribute to a seamless course creation process and effective promotion strategies.

However, these strengths also come with trade-offs. While LearnWorlds excels in customization options, it may pose challenges for users looking for a simpler setup. Conversely, Teachable’s ease of use may limit advanced customization possibilities that some users desire. Understanding these nuances is crucial for individuals selecting a platform based on their specific needs and preferences.

Course Creation Capabilities

AI-Driven Tools

Both LearnWorlds and Teachable offer advanced course building features, including AI-driven tools that streamline the creation process. These tools assist creators in organizing content effectively, enhancing the overall student experience.

Limitations on Products

One key difference between the platforms is Teachable’s restriction on the number of products that can be sold. Teachable imposes limits on the number of courses and digital products creators can offer, which may hinder scalability for some users.

Advanced Teaching Tools

LearnWorlds stands out for its robust creator studio and innovative teaching resources that boost student engagement. The platform provides a comprehensive set of tools to create interactive and dynamic courses, elevating the learning experience for students.

Teachable ()
Teachable ()

Website and Sales Tools


Both LearnWorlds and Teachable offer user-friendly dashboards for managing courses, students, and sales.

  • LearnWorlds’ dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of course performance and student engagement.
  • Teachable’s dashboard is intuitive and allows instructors to track revenue and student progress efficiently.


When it comes to mobile apps, Teachable excels with its dedicated app for both iOS and Android platforms.

  • The Teachable app enables instructors to manage their courses on-the-go, enhancing flexibility.
  • LearnWorlds, while lacking a dedicated app, offers a responsive web design, ensuring accessibility across devices.


For entrepreneurs looking to create an online course business, both platforms provide essential tools.

  • LearnWorlds offers a range of marketing features, including popups and customized offers to boost sales.
  • Teachable focuses on simplicity, making it easy for users to set up and sell courses without complex configurations.

Design Customization

In terms of design customization, LearnWorlds stands out with its extensive options for customizing course pages.

  • Instructors can personalize their courses with images, sections, quizzes, and more to create engaging content.
  • Teachable also offers design flexibility but may have limitations compared to the rich customization capabilities of LearnWorlds.

White-labeling Features

White-labeling plays a crucial role in branding and user experience.

  • With white-labeling features, instructors can present their courses under their brand name, enhancing professionalism.
  • Both LearnWorlds and Teachable offer white-labeling options, allowing instructors to establish a strong brand presence.

Marketing Features Analysis


Both LearnWorlds and Teachable offer a range of integrations to streamline marketing efforts. LearnWorlds provides seamless integration with popular email marketing platforms like MailChimp and ConvertKit. On the other hand, Teachable integrates smoothly with tools like Zapier for automation and analytics.

Marketing Tools

LearnWorlds equips users with robust marketing tools such as advanced email automation, affiliate management, and built-in social media integrations. These features enable instructors to promote their courses effectively and engage with students effortlessly. In contrast, Teachable offers a user-friendly interface for creating sales pages, coupon codes, and customizable checkout options.

Unique Strategies

A distinctive aspect of LearnWorlds is its interactive video hosting capabilities, allowing creators to deliver engaging content through interactive videos. This feature enhances user experience and boosts student engagement significantly. Conversely, Teachable stands out for its comprehensive analytics dashboard that provides detailed insights into course performance and student behavior.

Pros and Cons

  • LearnWorlds
    • Pros:
    • Advanced email automation
    • Interactive video hosting
    • Affiliate management system
    • Cons:
    • Steeper learning curve for beginners
    • Limited customization options for sales pages
  • Teachable
    • Pros:
    • User-friendly interface
    • Comprehensive analytics dashboard
    • Customizable checkout options
    • Cons:
    • Less integrated affiliate management system compared to LearnWorlds

Scalability and Mobile Solutions


Both LearnWorlds and Teachable offer scalable solutions for businesses looking to grow their online courses. LearnWorlds provides a variety of tools such as customizable templates, interactive video features, and advanced analytics to help businesses scale their online course offerings effectively. On the other hand, Teachable equips users with features like unlimited video bandwidth, integrated payment processing, and the ability to create multiple courses under one account.

Mobile Responsiveness

When it comes to mobile responsiveness, both platforms prioritize ensuring that course content and website designs are optimized for mobile devices. LearnWorlds employs a responsive design approach that automatically adjusts the layout of course content based on the device being used. Similarly, Teachable ensures that course content is accessible on various devices without compromising quality or user experience.

User Experience

In terms of user experience on mobile devices, both LearnWorlds and Teachable strive to provide seamless access for students and instructors. LearnWorlds focuses on creating an intuitive mobile interface that allows users to navigate courses easily and interact with content effortlessly. Teachable also prioritizes user experience by offering a mobile app that enables users to access courses on the go, providing convenience for both students and instructors.

Teachable pricing
Teachable pricing

Pricing Plans Overview

Pro Plan



  • Pro Plan: Teachable’s Pro plan is priced at $119 per month when billed annually. This plan includes features such as course completion certificates and priority product support.
  • Payment Options: Teachable also offers monthly and annual payment options for their Pro plan.

Hidden Costs and Additional Features


  • Value for Money: LearnWorlds’ Pro Trainer plan provides extensive features but comes at a higher price point compared to Teachable’s Pro plan.
  • Additional Features: The Pro Trainer plan from LearnWorlds includes advanced analytics, affiliate management, and custom certificates.


  • Value for Money: Teachable’s Pro plan offers competitive pricing with essential features tailored for online course creation.
  • Hidden Costs: While Teachable’s Pro plan is more affordable, additional costs may apply for certain features like instant payouts or advanced quizzes.

Choosing the Right Platform

Budget Considerations

When deciding between LearnWorlds and Teachable, start by evaluating your budget. Teachable offers a free plan with limited features, making it ideal for those on a tight budget. On the other hand, LearnWorlds may be more expensive but provides advanced tools and customization options.

Consider the long-term costs associated with each platform. While Teachable’s free plan is enticing, you might outgrow its limitations as your business expands. In contrast, LearnWorlds’ higher pricing tiers offer scalability and additional features to support growth.

Business Goals Alignment

Align your choice of platform with your business goals. If you prioritize simplicity and ease of use, Teachable’s intuitive interface might be the better option. However, if you aim to create a unique and branded learning environment, LearnWorlds’ extensive customization capabilities could better suit your needs.

Evaluate whether you require features such as built-in marketing tools, interactive video options, or certification capabilities. Each platform excels in different areas, so choose based on which aligns best with your specific business objectives.

Desired Features Comparison

Examine the features offered by both platforms to determine which aligns with your desired features. While both platforms provide essential tools for course creation and management, they differ in terms of customization options, integrations, and customer support.

If you value a wide range of integrations with third-party tools, consider Teachable’s robust integration options. On the other hand, if you prioritize creating visually appealing courses with interactive elements, LearnWorlds’ design-focused features may be more suitable for your needs.

User Recommendations

For educators looking to quickly launch their courses without significant upfront costs, starting with Teachable’s free plan can be advantageous. However, businesses aiming for a more professional and customizable online learning experience should opt for LearnWorlds’ premium plans.

Based on user reviews and feedback, many content creators praise Teachable’s user-friendly interface, while others appreciate the advanced customization options provided by LearnWorlds. Consider these user perspectives when making your decision.

Final Remarks

In weighing LearnWorlds against Teachable, you now possess a comprehensive view of their features, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding your course creation needs and business goals is key to selecting the right platform. Consider your budget, desired marketing tools, scalability requirements, and target audience to make an informed decision.

Now that you have a clearer picture of what each platform offers, take the next step by signing up for free trials or exploring more in-depth reviews. Your choice will impact how effectively you can create, market, and sell your online courses. Make the most of this comparison to propel your online teaching endeavors forward.


We Recommend 🏆

LearnWorlds allows you to create engaging quizzes and assignments that keep students actively involved and help reinforce learning. Offer personalized certificates upon course completion, adding value and recognition for your students.

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