How I Install Justuno Shopify App Api for Email & Sms Lead

Looking to enhance your Shopify store with powerful marketing tools in the commerce section, for effective promotions and promotional campaigns? The Justuno Shopify app API is the solution you need.

Justuno Shopify App API

By integrating Justuno with your Shopify store, you can access a wide range of features to boost conversions and drive sales. With seamless integration and user-friendly interface, the Justuno app empowers you to create engaging pop-ups, banners, and promotions tailored to your target audience. Stay ahead of the competition and maximize your online presence with the Justuno Shopify app API.

Quick Summary

To set up the Justuno Shopify app for email and SMS lead capture, start by logging into your Shopify admin account and navigating to the Shopify App Store. Search for the Justuno app, click “Add app,” and follow the installation prompts. Once installed, grant the necessary permissions to integrate Justuno with your store, allowing it to access data and provide personalized pop-ups and promotions. Customize these pop-ups, banners, and other tools to align with your branding and marketing strategies effortlessly.

After integration, leverage Justuno’s key features to enhance customer engagement and boost conversions. Use the lead capture tools to create customizable forms for collecting visitor information, and set up targeted pop-ups to reduce cart abandonment and deliver personalized recommendations. Utilize Commerce AI to analyze visitor behavior for tailored marketing efforts and sync customer data across CRM platforms for cohesive campaigns. Monitor your website traffic and choose a pricing plan that fits your business needs, making adjustments as necessary to optimize Justuno’s functionalities and maximize your store’s performance.

Discover Justuno Shopify App


Justuno started as a premium conversion marketing and analytics platform, revolutionizing the way businesses engage with their customers. Founded with a vision to empower online brands, Justuno has grown into a versatile tool for boosting sales and customer engagement.


  • Postscript
  • dotdigital
  • Gatsby
  • Klaviyo
  • Yotpo
  • Iterable

Justuno seamlessly integrates with various platforms like Postscript, dotdigital, Gatsby, Klaviyo, Yotpo, and Iterable. This compatibility ensures a smooth experience for users across different e-commerce ecosystems.


The wide array of features offered by Justuno caters to every aspect of enhancing conversions. From effective lead capture tools to engaging pop-ups and personalized experiences, Justuno provides a comprehensive suite of functionalities for maximizing sales opportunities.


Try Justuno for Free Today!

Justuno’s advanced capabilities like Commerce AI and seamless integration with various CRM and email marketing platforms enable you to deliver personalized website experiences and data-driven marketing strategies.

Key Features for Conversion

Lead Capture

Justuno’s lead capture feature enables effective collection of visitor information through engaging pop-ups and forms. It helps in building a robust email list for targeted marketing campaigns.

The lead capture tool on Justuno allows businesses to create customizable forms with various fields such as name, email, and preferences. This data can be utilized for personalized marketing strategies.

Cart Recovery

With Justuno’s cart recovery feature, businesses can reduce cart abandonment rates by displaying targeted offers or reminders to visitors who have abandoned their carts. This helps in recovering potential sales.

The cart recovery tool identifies users who have left items in their carts without completing the purchase. By offering discounts or incentives through pop-ups, businesses can encourage customers to complete their transactions.

Commerce AI

Justuno’s Commerce AI feature leverages artificial intelligence to analyze visitor behavior and preferences. This enables businesses to deliver personalized recommendations and offers based on individual interests.

Commerce AI uses machine learning algorithms to understand customer interactions with the website. By providing relevant product suggestions, businesses can enhance the shopping experience and increase conversions.

Audience Sync

Audience sync on Justuno ensures seamless integration with customer relationship management (CRM) platforms and email marketing tools. This allows businesses to synchronize customer data across different systems for cohesive marketing efforts.

By syncing audience data from Justuno with CRM platforms like Salesforce or email marketing tools like Mailchimp, businesses can create targeted campaigns tailored to specific customer segments.


Personalization Tools

Justuno offers a range of personalization tools such as dynamic text replacement, geo-targeting, and behavioral triggers. These tools enable businesses to deliver tailored messages and offers to visitors based on their location, browsing history, or actions on the website.

Email and SMS Lead Capture


Lead capture is crucial for businesses to gather valuable customer information, enabling personalized marketing strategies. Justuno, integrated with Shopify, offers robust tools for email and SMS lead capture.

Capturing leads through emails and SMS allows businesses to nurture relationships with potential customers effectively. Justuno’s seamless integration with Shopify simplifies the process, enhancing user experience.


The Justuno Shopify app API streamlines the lead capture process by offering customizable pop-ups and banners. These tools engage visitors, prompting them to share their contact details in exchange for exclusive offers or discounts.

Utilizing Justuno’s lead capture features can significantly boost conversion rates. By collecting email addresses and phone numbers, businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience.


  • Personalized Marketing: Tailoring campaigns based on captured leads’ preferences.
  • Increased Conversions: Engaging visitors with enticing offers through lead capture forms.

Highly-Targeted Pop Ups

Personalized Approach

Justuno’s highly-targeted pop-ups revolutionize how retailers engage with their audience. By tailoring promotions to specific customer segments, businesses can significantly enhance their marketing strategies. These personalized pop-ups effectively capture visitor attention and drive conversion rates.

Enhanced User Engagement

The power of personalized pop-ups lies in their ability to resonate with visitors on a deeper level. These targeted messages cater to individual preferences, creating a more engaging and interactive browsing experience. As a result, users are more likely to respond positively to the promotions, leading to increased sales and brand loyalty.

Diverse Pop-Up Options

Justuno offers a wide range of highly-targeted pop-ups to suit different marketing needs. From promotional banners to interactive campaigns, businesses can choose from various options to best showcase their products or services. The platform provides tools for embedding codes, live chat integration, and discount code distribution, catering to diverse industry requirements.

Justuno app integration
Justuno app integration

Personalized Website Experiences

Customization Tools

Justuno offers a range of tools to tailor website messaging and create a seamless integration for visitors. Retailers can customize pop-ups, banners, and overlays based on visitor behavior and preferences. These tools enable businesses to provide a personalized checkout page experience that resonates with clients.

The platform’s customization options allow retailers to display targeted messages on specific pages of their site, enhancing the overall customer service experience. By leveraging these tools, businesses can effectively engage with visitors and drive them towards the commerce section of their website. Justuno’s features empower companies to deliver relevant content that matches the needs and interests of their audience.

Enhanced User Engagement

By utilizing Justuno’s services, retailers can enhance user engagement and create a more interactive browsing experience for their visitors. The platform enables businesses to capture valuable insights about their audience’s preferences and behaviors, leading to more effective communication strategies. Through personalized messaging, companies can establish a deeper connection with their customers and foster long-term relationships.

The ability to tailor content based on individual preferences not only improves the overall user experience but also increases the likelihood of conversion. Retailers can leverage Justuno’s tools to showcase relevant product recommendations, promotions, and reviews, catering to the unique needs of each visitor. This level of customization helps businesses stand out in a competitive market landscape and build trust with their audience.

Data-Driven Approach

Justuno’s platform empowers retailers to take a data-driven approach towards optimizing their website performance. By analyzing visitor interactions and engagement metrics, businesses can gain valuable insights into what resonates with their audience. This information allows companies to refine their messaging strategy, improve conversion rates, and drive revenue growth.

The technical support team at Justuno assists businesses in maximizing the usage of the platform’s features and optimizing their website for better results. With dedicated support and guidance, retailers can effectively implement personalized experiences that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty. By leveraging data analytics and customer insights, companies can continuously refine their website messaging to meet evolving consumer expectations.

Justuno Pricing Explained

Free Plan

Justuno offers a free plan for users looking to enhance their website experiences without incurring any costs. This plan is suitable for small businesses or individuals with limited monthly visitor sessions. The free plan provides essential tools and features to get started with personalizing website interactions.

Essential Plans

For those with higher traffic volumes, Justuno provides Essential Plans tailored to accommodate varying monthly visitor sessions. These plans offer more advanced customization options, integrations, and support features compared to the free plan. Users can choose a plan based on their specific needs and budget constraints.

Visitor Limits

Justuno’s pricing plans come with predefined visitor limits. If users exceed these limits within a billing cycle, additional charges may apply based on the overage rates specified in the pricing structure. It is essential for users to monitor their website traffic closely to avoid unexpected charges due to exceeding visitor thresholds.

User Reviews

According to user reviews, Justuno has received a positive overall rating for its pricing transparency and feature offerings. Users appreciate the flexibility of choosing between the free plan and various Essential Plans based on their business requirements. The platform’s ability to scale with growing website traffic while providing value for money is highlighted in user feedback.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros:
    • Flexible pricing options catering to different business sizes.
    • Transparent overage charges for exceeding visitor limits.
    • Positive user reviews emphasizing value for money.
  • Cons:
    • Limited customization features in the free plan.
    • Overage charges can add up if not monitored closely
Justuno Shopify integration
Justuno Shopify integration

Installing Justuno on Your Shopify Store

Integration Process

To install Justuno on your Shopify store, begin by logging into your Shopify admin account. Navigate to the Shopify App Store and search for the Justuno app. Click on “Add app” and follow the prompts to install it seamlessly.

Once installed, integrate Justuno with your Shopify store by granting necessary permissions. This integration allows Justuno to access your store’s data, enabling it to provide personalized pop-ups and promotions tailored to your customers’ behavior.

Utilizing Features

After successful integration, you can start utilizing Justuno’s features to enhance customer engagement and boost conversions. Customize pop-ups, banners, and other promotional tools to align with your branding and marketing strategies effortlessly.

With Justuno integrated, you can create targeted campaigns based on customer segments, behaviors, or purchase history. Leverage these insights to deliver relevant offers and incentives that drive sales and increase revenue effectively.

Benefits of Installation

The benefits of installing Justuno on your Shopify store are manifold. Enjoy increased conversion rates as Justuno’s intelligent targeting tools reach the right audience at the right time with compelling offers.

By integrating Justuno, you can reduce cart abandonment rates through exit-intent pop-ups or targeted promotions that incentivize customers to complete their purchases. This proactive approach helps recover potentially lost sales opportunities.

  • Pros:
    • Enhanced customer engagement
    • Personalized promotions
    • Improved conversion rates
  • Cons:
    • Initial learning curve for utilizing all features
    • Requires monitoring and optimization for maximum effectiveness

Maximizing Justuno Features

Targeting Rules

Utilize advanced targeting rules within the Justuno app to tailor promotions based on specific criteria. This allows you to target customers at the right time and with the most relevant offers. By segmenting your audience effectively, you can increase engagement and drive conversions.

Commerce AI Integration

Incorporate Commerce AI into your Justuno strategy to leverage intelligent algorithms that analyze customer behavior. This integration enables you to deliver personalized experiences and recommendations, ultimately boosting sales and enhancing customer satisfaction. By harnessing the power of AI, you can enhance your marketing efforts and achieve better results.

Cart Abandonment Strategies

Implement effective cart abandonment strategies using Justuno to recover lost sales and improve revenue. By setting up targeted campaigns for users who abandon their carts, you can entice them to complete their purchase through enticing offers or reminders. This proactive approach helps in reducing cart abandonment rates and maximizing your store’s profitability.

Final Remarks

You’ve now explored the power of the Justuno Shopify app in boosting your online store’s conversions. By leveraging its key features for lead capture, personalized experiences, and targeted pop-ups, you can enhance customer engagement and drive sales. Understanding the pricing structure and installation process ensures you make the most of Justuno’s capabilities on your Shopify store.

To maximize your results, start implementing Justuno today. Tailor your pop-ups, capture quality leads, and create personalized interactions to see a significant impact on your conversion rates. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your e-commerce game with Justuno!


We Recommend 🏆

Justuno offers a robust suite of features, including customizable pop-ups, banners, and promotional tools that are tailored to your target audience. These tools are designed to capture email and SMS leads effectively.

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